October 22, 2024
Ideological emancipation in Xinjiang

This photo source: Tian shan net.

From CCP Studies.org

In this article, originally published by the Xinjiang government’s official website Tianshan Net and widely disseminated across major Chinese state media websites from Sohu to China.com, from Minzu Fuxing to Shanghai Observer, the Chinese government openly acknowledges and propagates a large-scale ideological and cultural assimilation campaign aimed at erasing ethnic identity, religious and cultural affiliations, and penalizing dissenters. This significant government declaration can be considered as proof of China’s deliberate actions contributing to mass detentions, forced labor, and the displacement of Uyghurs and other communities from their native regions. CCP studies have translated the document and included the original text along with links for those interested in a more in-depth review and investigation.

Over the past two years, from the Balikun grasslands to the Pamir Plateau, from the Altai Mountains to the banks of the Yarkand River, a great wave of ideological liberation in the new era has been unfolding. Like a violent storm, it is cleansing this vast land that constitutes one-sixth of the country’s territory and profoundly influencing the daily lives and future of the various ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

This mass, spontaneous movement of ideological liberation, aligning with the progress of the times and historical development, has evolved from a small spark to a sweeping trend. The diverse ethnic groups are breaking free from the shackles of religious extremism, shaking off the constraints of medieval customs, and systematically defeating the supporters of the “three forces,” agents of external reactionary forces, advocates of extremist religious ideologies, and those hidden “two-faced individuals,” casting them into the grave of history. This is indeed an unprecedented and unstoppable momentum, marking a prosperity in Xinjiang unseen in its thousand-year history.

Faced with this trend, some people vehemently criticize it as “糟得很” (very bad). Recently, some Western countries, in a fit of anger, have been hurling insults on the international stage, even threatening to impose “sanctions” on China. Is the situation really as bad as they claim?

The author has been in coastal cities and Xinjiang for over a decade. During these years, from Northern Xinjiang to Eastern Xinjiang, and then to rural areas in Southern Xinjiang, spending varying lengths of time in each place, the author has witnessed firsthand the ideological liberation taking place. Contrary to those who say “糟得很,” people of all ethnic groups unanimously express that it is “好得很” (very good).

Non-religious communities say “好得很.” Many people in these communities were not religious believers. In the past, when “wild imams” came to their doors demanding why they didn’t attend prayers, they couldn’t afford to provoke them. They had to make excuses, claiming to pray at home while secretly engaging in productive work in their yards. Over the past two years, these awakened people have overthrown the “wild imams” who used to dominate the villages. Now, these people work diligently every day, some operating tractors in the fields, others engaging in labor and business outside, and their lives are improving day by day. Even religious believers say “好得很.” Previously, they were affected by extremist religious ideologies, disrupting normal production. Some even donated their meager harvests to extremist religious forces, and hard-earned business income was “pooled” for extremist religious purposes. Over the past two years, religious sites have been standardized, and various disguised forms of “religious taxes” have disappeared. The impoverished have control over their own finances, and wealthier households have accumulated more funds for further production. Religious individuals also express that it is “very good.” On Chinese soil, every citizen is expected to be a self-reliant laborer, and religious individuals are no exception. Some religious figures have approached us, thanking us for rectifying the “wild imams” in their villages, allowing them to preach normally. Others have proactively sought assistance in standardizing their religious sites, aiming to free up more time and energy for agricultural work, indicating their desire for diligence and prosperity.

“Very bad” or “very good”?

The masses who are not religious, those who follow a religion, and even the religious figures themselves all say “it’s very good.” So, who is saying “it’s very bad”? Of course, it’s those parasites who, with the delusion of using extremist religious ideologies to control people’s thoughts, seek to exert dominance, exploit the income of the masses, and act recklessly. The awakening of millions of people has cut off the financial resources of these individuals, brought them down from their high positions, and toppled them to the ground. Naturally, they are the ones loudly shouting that “it’s very bad.”

The women say “very good.” During the rampant spread of extremist religious ideologies, these women were confined at home to bear and raise children. When they went out, they had to wear cumbersome and ugly veils. They not only suffered domestic violence but were also frequently subjected to the religious ritual of “Talaq” (a form of divorce). After this ritual, they had to leave their homes with their children, having no status as human beings, treated like furniture. In the past two years, the practice of divorce through the “Talaq” ritual has been prohibited, and the implementation of family planning policies has transformed these women from mere reproductive tools. The awakened women have removed their headscarves, stepped out of their homes, and joined the workforce. More and more women are using legal means to defend their legitimate rights. The children also say “very good.” In the past, some children, at the age when they should have been attending school, were sent to “underground preaching points” for “Talib,” where self-righteous but actually unqualified “charlatans” instilled extremist religious ideologies, casting a shadow over their future. Today, the “underground preaching points” have been cleared out by the awakened masses, and all children are seated in spacious and bright classrooms of national education schools, enjoying the nourishment of scientific and cultural knowledge equally with their peers. The elderly say “very good.” In the past, some children, influenced by extremist religious ideologies, idled away their time, neglecting their duties. Some even labeled their honest and hardworking parents as “infidels,” criticizing the meals cooked by their parents as “not halal.” They abandoned the traditional virtues of respecting elders and filial piety. Today, the masses have awakened, pulling back the young people who were brainwashed by extremist ideologies from the harmful and desperate path. Some have recognized the situation and chosen to wake up, while others have been rescued through societal efforts, bringing peace of mind to the elderly, who can now enjoy their twilight years. The young people also say “very good.” In the past, many people had their freedom in love stripped away by extremist ideologies. Some genuine cross-cultural relationships came to an abrupt end due to the barriers imposed by extremist ideologies. Some young girls were engaged at a very young age, and even some girls under twenty were betrothed to middle-aged men they had never met. Now, awakened masses and conscious young men and women have broken free from the chains of extremist ideologies. They openly and freely engage in love, and ethnicity, faith, and customs are no longer insurmountable gaps in their relationships and marriages. There is nothing to hinder their steadfast choice to be together.

he women, children, elderly, and those young people all say “very good.” So, who exactly is saying “very bad”? It’s undoubtedly those who have been brainwashed by extremist ideologies, promoting the idea that “men are superior to women” and treating women as accessories. It’s those who cling to outdated beliefs, attempting to compete with us for the next generation to cultivate divisive elements. It’s those who aim to exploit religion and oppress others for undeserved gains. It’s those who forbid others from falling in love but themselves are preoccupied with marrying four wives, nine wives, or even underage girls. The awakening of millions of people has shattered the delusions of these shameless, psychologically disturbed individuals. Watching their fantasies turn into bubbles, they naturally resort to vehemently denouncing it as “very bad.”

The essence of the “very bad” versus “very good” debate is fundamentally determined by different stances. The current wave of ideological liberation has kicked out the overseas reactionary forces, the three evil forces, and the “two-faced individuals” who were dreaming that “Xinjiang will continue to be chaotic.” It dealt a heavy blow to those with ambitions, ready to seize opportunities from the prevalence of religious extremism and frequent terrorist activities. These individuals, angered and ashamed, vehemently denounce it as “very bad,” fabricating various lies and maliciously attacking and spreading rumors worldwide. Their fear of people awakening makes them curse “very bad” inevitably. Hoping that they would praise “very good” is overly naive.

Some people who do not fully understand the actual situation in Xinjiang, influenced by their lies and rumors, believe that they have discovered some extraordinary “internal situation” just by surfing the internet. They readily endorse the narrative that Xinjiang is “very bad,” which is not only a display of ignorance but also an irresponsible act towards their own words and actions. Moreover, it demonstrates a lack of respect for the efforts of the cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

The so-called “excessive” and “going too far”

As soon as the awakening of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang started, some people, like ants on a hot pan, began shouting, “You are going too far, you are going too far!” When the masses resist illegal religious activities, these people shout, “You are violating religious freedom, it’s excessive, it’s going too far”; when the masses remove their face veils, these people shout, “You are infringing on personal freedom, it’s excessive, it’s going too far”; when the masses discard outdated customs, these people shout, “You are violating ethnic traditions, it’s excessive, it’s going too far”; when the masses choose to abide by the law, these people shout, “You are coercing ethnic minorities, it’s excessive, it’s going too far.” In short, any slight independent choice by the masses in line with the development of the times is labeled as “excessive” and “going too far” by these people. So, let’s figure out who is really going too far, who is excessive?

Now it’s the 21st century, and these people shouting “excessive” and “going too far” still want to establish a medieval theocratic slave system, attempting to turn the masses into “dumb servants” dependent on their masters, becoming the slave owners with the power of life and death. The awakening of the masses is merely breaking free from the shackles of religious extremism, pursuing the most basic desire for a free and happy life. In comparison, who is really going too far, who is excessive?

Now it’s the 21st century, and International Women’s Day has already reached its 108th year. These people shouting “excessive” and “going too far” still cling to the stinky footcloth of male superiority and female inferiority, discriminating against women to an extreme extent, not treating women as human beings, forcing women to dress like black garbage bags and requiring them to “avoid looking around.” The awakening of the masses is simply reclaiming the basic status that women are also human beings, advocating for gender equality, and exercising the right to freedom and beauty. In comparison, who is really going too far, who is excessive?

Now it’s the 21st century, but these people who shout “excessive” and “going too far” still cling to medieval scriptures and promote “fundamentalism.” They dictate what to eat, what to drink, what to use, and even interfere in how people go to the bathroom. The awakening of the masses is simply reclaiming the basic right to choose their own way of life, deciding what to eat, drink, and use. In comparison, who is really going too far, who is excessive?

Now it’s the 21st century, legal education has entered the seventh five-year plan, but those who shout “excessive” and “going too far” still scream “religious law is greater than national law.” They incite religious fanaticism, consider everyone who doesn’t believe in Islam as enemies, and lure, deceive, and coerce ignorant masses into becoming cannon fodder for terrorist activities. The awakening of the masses is merely a desire for a stable and safe living environment, free from the sorrows and fears of turmoil, displacement, and family destruction. In comparison, who is really going too far, who is excessive?

These people who shout “excessive” and “going too far” have held the people in the chains of slavery for thousands of years. In recent years, influenced by domestic and international situations, religious extremist forces have revived, with inflated ambitions. They view the lives of the people as insignificant and dismiss the desires of the masses for a stable and happy life. They use the masses as tools for creating division, reaching an unprecedented level of excess. Now that the masses are awakening and about to break free from the mental chains that bind them, these people play the victim, rolling on the ground and shouting “excessive” and “going too far.” They only allow the “three forces” to commit crimes, but they don’t allow the masses to have a peaceful life. What kind of absurd logic is this?! In essence, this is the fear of the awakening of the various ethnic groups in Xinjiang by the “three forces” inside and outside the region, afraid of their positive voices!

About “freedom and human rights”

Facing the awakening of the masses, those overseas “masters” of the “three forces” can’t sit still. Although certain Western countries have been consistent troublemakers, using the Xinjiang issue as a pretext under the guise of “freedom” and “human rights” has become routine. However, the urgency of the past two years is indeed uncommon.

The more hostile forces panic, the more it indicates the correctness of our policies. Once our long-term mechanisms take root and the various ethnic groups truly awaken, the carefully cultivated obedient descendants and sown poisonous weeds planted by them will be uprooted by the masses. Xinjiang will never become the “bleeding wound” they fantasize about.

For the past two hundred years, Western countries have committed numerous wrongs in Xinjiang. Instead of repenting and seeking forgiveness, they now hypocritically and shamelessly talk about freedom and human rights. Before liberation, when religious extremism prevailed, and ordinary people endured religious exploitation and oppression, did these people ever pay attention to the suffering of the common people? Where were their “freedom” and “human rights” at that time? Now that our masses are truly awakening, enjoying the freedom to choose not to believe in religion and having the guarantee of a stable and happy life, they jump out to accuse us of “interfering with freedom” and “violating human rights.” Such a stance is nothing more than a modern version of “Ye Gong likes dragons”!

In this wave of ideological liberation, the masses have truly realized that without a stable environment, nothing can be achieved, and the gains made will be lost. What we are doing now is the right thing at the right time for the social stability and long-term peace of Xinjiang, for the stable lives and bright future of all ethnic groups.

Over the past two hundred years, those countries, having had their fill of bread and a good night’s sleep, will inevitably curse and even cause trouble for us. This nature is probably difficult to change. The Communist Party of China has ambition, and the various ethnic groups have ambition. The enemy’s curses cannot defeat us, the enemy’s threats cannot scare us. Instead, they will only further ignite the enthusiasm of people of all ethnic groups to love their country, socialism, and the Communist Party. It will inspire the unity of the masses, working together to build a beautiful Xinjiang. It will further inspire the enthusiasm of the people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead in the wave of ideological liberation, pursuing a secular, stable, and happy life!

Author: Yimu, September 27, 2018.

The Chinese government official websites published this article:

Zhong Hua Wang: 中华网



Qaramay Wang:


Chuan Guang Wang:



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